
Generate the hibernate.cfg.xml file. It lists all of the properties as well as a property for each hbm.xml file. This file can be used for creating and installing a SessionFactory in JNDI as well as launching Hibern8IDE.

Implementing Class



versionSets the hibernate configuration DTD version to use. Legal values are "2.0" and "3.0".

Valid values: 2.0, 3.0
No. Default is "2.0".
hbm2ddlAutomatically export schema DDL to the database when the SessionFactory is created. With create-drop, the database schema will be dropped when the SessionFactory is closed explicitely. eg. update | create | create-drop No.
poolSizeHibernate connection pool size. No.
jdbcUrlURL for the JDBC Driver to make the connection to the database. No.
transactionManagerStrategyStrategy for obtaining the JTA TransactionManager No.
userTransactionNameThe JNDI name of the JTA UserTransaction object No.
transactionManagerLookupThe fully qualified class name of the Hibernate TransactionFactory implementation. No.
useOuterJoinWhether to use outer join No. Defaults to false.
showSqlLog sql statements. Defaults to false. No.
jndiNameJNDI name to bind to the SessionFactory No.
dataSourceJNDI name of data source to use in the session factory. No.
dialectSQL dialect of the database. Yes. Use fully-qualified class name.
driverJDBC Driver to make database connection. No.
userNameUse this user name to login to the database No.
passwordUse this password to login to the database No.
cacheProviderClassThe classname of a custom CacheProvider. No.
cglibUseReflectionOptimizerEnables use of CGLIB instead of runtime reflection (System-level property, default is to use CGLIB where possible). Reflection can sometimes be useful when troubleshooting. No.
defaultSchemaQualify unqualified tablenames with the given schema/tablespace in generated SQL. No.
transactionManagerFactoryThe classname of a TransactionFactory to use with Hibernate Transaction API (defaults to JDBCTransactionFactory). eg. classname.of.TransactionFactory No.
useIdsIf this attribute is set to true, XDoclet will generate id attributes in the XML document. Note that this is only available in some subtasks. No. Default is "false"
xmlencodingThe encoding of the produced xml file. If your XML file uses international characters, you might want to set this to "ISO-8859-1". No, default is "UTF-8"
schemaThe XML Schema to which the generated document should conform. No.
validateXMLIf this is set to true, the generated XML will be validated against its DTD or XML Schema. No, default is false.
acceptInterfacesIndicates whether or not to generate for interfaces. No, default is "true"
acceptAbstractClassesIndicates whether or not to generate for abstract classes. No, default is "true"
packageSubstitutionsSets the PackageSubstitutions attribute of the TemplateSubTask object No.
packageSubstitutionInheritanceSupportedIndicates whether or not package substitution should be inherited No, default is "true"
prefixWithPackageStructureIndicates whether or not to prefix with package structure. No, default is "true"
destinationFileThe destination file name. If a {0} is found it's assumed that a per class output generation is needed, so {0} is substituted with class name; otherwise a single file is generated with the specified name. No, default is determined by this task.
templateFileSets the name of the template file to use for generation No, default is determined by this task.
havingClassTagSets the HavingClassTag attribute of the TemplateSubTask object No.
ofType No.
subTaskNameSets an optional name for the subtask that will be seen in XDoclet's debug messages. No.
destDirSets the directory where the generated file(s) will be written. No.
mergeDirSpecifies the location of the merge directory. This is where XDoclet will look for merge files. No.

Nested Elements

configParamSpecifies a configuration parameter for the subtask.
jndiPropertyThese elements allow you to add properties to the JNDI context. For instance, if you do not want Weblogic clustering to replicate the Hibernate SessionFactory, add a jndiProperty element with a "name" attribute of "weblogic.jndi.replicateBindings" and a "value" attribute of "false".
otherMappingThese elements allow you to add arbitrary mappings to cfg.xml file. For instance, if you want to specify that a jar contains /example/myHibernate.hbm.xml file then specify a other mapping with the name="resource" and the value being the path to the mapping.
otherPropertyThese elements allow you to add arbitrary properties to cfg.xml file. For instance, if you want to provide your own "connection.provider_class" class then add a property called connection.provider_class with a value of whatever you want passed in.
packageSubstitutionSubstitutes the package of the generated files.